package main import ( "bufio" "fmt" "log" "os" ) const ( numberOfDirecrtions = 4 ) type sequence struct { action string value int } func readFile(file *os.File) ([]sequence, error) { var sequences []sequence scanner := bufio.NewScanner(file) for scanner.Scan() { var p sequence line := scanner.Text() if line == "" { break } n, err := fmt.Sscanf(line, "%1s%d\n", &p.action, &p.value) if err != nil || n != 2 { return sequences, fmt.Errorf("Error scanning '%s': %s", line, err) } sequences = append(sequences, p) } if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil { return sequences, fmt.Errorf("Scanner error: %s", err) } return sequences, nil } var directions []string var directionsMap map[string]int var opposites map[string]string func getDirections() { directions = []string{"E", "S", "W", "N"} directionsMap = make(map[string]int) for index, value := range directions { directionsMap[value] = index } opposites = make(map[string]string) opposites["E"] = "W" opposites["W"] = "E" opposites["N"] = "S" opposites["S"] = "N" } func rotate(currentDirection string, item sequence) string { change := 0 switch item.value { case 0, 360: return currentDirection case 90: change = 1 case 180: change = 2 case 270: change = 3 } if item.action == "L" { change = -change } newDirectionIndex := (directionsMap[currentDirection] + change) % 4 if newDirectionIndex < 0 { newDirectionIndex = numberOfDirecrtions + newDirectionIndex } return directions[newDirectionIndex] } type cooridinates map[string]int func makeMove(item sequence, position cooridinates) cooridinates { opposite := opposites[item.action] if position[opposite] > 0 { position[opposite] = position[opposite] - item.value if position[opposite] < 0 { position[item.action] -= position[opposite] position[opposite] = 0 } } else { position[item.action] += item.value } return position } func navigate(sequences []sequence) int { currentDirection := "E" currentPosition := make(cooridinates) currentPosition["E"] = 0 currentPosition["W"] = 0 currentPosition["N"] = 0 currentPosition["S"] = 0 for _, item := range sequences { switch item.action { case "L", "R": currentDirection = rotate(currentDirection, item) case "E", "W", "N", "S": currentPosition = makeMove(item, currentPosition) case "F": item.action = currentDirection currentPosition = makeMove(item, currentPosition) } } sum := 0 for _, value := range currentPosition { sum += value } return sum } func rotateWaypoint(waypoint cooridinates, item sequence) cooridinates { newWaypoint := make(cooridinates) for key, value := range waypoint { newKey := rotate(key, item) newWaypoint[newKey] = value } return newWaypoint } func navigate2(sequences []sequence) int { currentPosition := make(cooridinates) currentPosition["E"] = 0 currentPosition["W"] = 0 currentPosition["N"] = 0 currentPosition["S"] = 0 currentWaypoint := make(cooridinates) currentWaypoint["E"] = 10 currentWaypoint["W"] = 0 currentWaypoint["N"] = 1 currentWaypoint["S"] = 0 for _, item := range sequences { switch item.action { case "L", "R": currentWaypoint = rotateWaypoint(currentWaypoint, item) case "E", "W", "N", "S": currentWaypoint = makeMove(item, currentWaypoint) case "F": for key, value := range currentWaypoint { currentPosition = makeMove(sequence{action: key, value: value * item.value}, currentPosition) } } } sum := 0 for _, value := range currentPosition { sum += value } return sum } func init() { getDirections() } func main() { if len(os.Args) < 2 { log.Fatal("You need to specify a file!") } file, err := os.Open(os.Args[1]) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Failed to open %s!\n", os.Args[1]) } sequences, err := readFile(file) if err != nil { log.Fatalf("Can't read sequences!\n%s", err) } file.Close() fmt.Println("Part1:", navigate(sequences)) fmt.Println("Part2:", navigate2(sequences)) }