@@ -53,12 +53,12 @@ In this example, after 18 days, there are a total of 26 fish. After 80 days, the
Find a way to simulate lanternfish. How many lanternfish would there be after 80 days?
Find a way to simulate lanternfish. How many lanternfish would there be after 80 days?
Your puzzle answer was 349549.
Your puzzle answer was 349549.
-The first half of this puzzle is complete! It provides one gold star: *
--- Part Two ---
--- Part Two ---
Suppose the lanternfish live forever and have unlimited food and space. Would they take over the entire ocean?
Suppose the lanternfish live forever and have unlimited food and space. Would they take over the entire ocean?
After 256 days in the example above, there would be a total of 26984457539 lanternfish!
After 256 days in the example above, there would be a total of 26984457539 lanternfish!
-How many lanternfish would there be after 256 days?
+How many lanternfish would there be after 256 days?
+Your puzzle answer was 1589590444365.