Quellcode durchsuchen

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Piotr Czajkowski vor 4 Wochen
1 geänderte Dateien mit 41 neuen und 0 gelöschten Zeilen
  1. 41 0

+ 41 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+--- Day 4: Ceres Search ---
+"Looks like the Chief's not here. Next!" One of The Historians pulls out a device and pushes the only button on it. After a brief flash, you recognize the interior of the Ceres monitoring station!
+As the search for the Chief continues, a small Elf who lives on the station tugs on your shirt; she'd like to know if you could help her with her word search (your puzzle input). She only has to find one word: XMAS.
+This word search allows words to be horizontal, vertical, diagonal, written backwards, or even overlapping other words. It's a little unusual, though, as you don't merely need to find one instance of XMAS - you need to find all of them. Here are a few ways XMAS might appear, where irrelevant characters have been replaced with .:
+The actual word search will be full of letters instead. For example:
+In this word search, XMAS occurs a total of 18 times; here's the same word search again, but where letters not involved in any XMAS have been replaced with .:
+Take a look at the little Elf's word search. How many times does XMAS appear?